

Here is a list of resources that you are welcome to download and use:

Guide for Assessing Clients’ Experiences in Digital Environments (GACEDE)– a tool developed by some of my awesome students and myself (they did most of the work) on assessing a patient’s use of technology in a non-stigmatizing way. I recommend having the patient filling out one, and their immediate family or partner filling out one as well.

School-Wide Settings Day Example Letter— example of a letter school administrators can use as part of an privacy settings/digital literacy event to do on a school or district level.

Vanderbilt Scales for ADHD— includes forms for child, parent, and educator. More useful in my experience than the Connors.

Here are some research references, grouped by topic, which you are free to download:

These are not exhaustive and not updated frequently. For more realtime updates, you should connect to me on Mendeley. 🙂



Resources - Mike Langlois, LICSW